Student Support
PIHMS has a full time Student Support coordinator available 24/7, on-campus and available to students when required.
Contact details:
Moanna Manu (available 24/7)
Student Support Coordinator
Ph: +64 6 968 1420 + 8777
Ph: +64 2182 7603
Student Support services available include:
Health and Wellbeing
If you require medical treatment or check-ups, please contact PIHMS student support for bookings and free transport.
Mental Health and Counselling
At PIHMS all domestic and international students have access to confidential counselling sessions. To arrange a non urgent appointment please email
Urgent help options in mental health crisis:
- If it is an emergency or if anyone is in immediate physical danger phone 111
- Call student support to transport to the hospital emergency department (ED) or
- Free Support or text 1737 for support from a trained counsellor
- Lifeline 0800 543 354
- Youthline 0800 376 633
- Outline (Rainbow Support) 0800 688 5463
Students Pastoral Care
When domestic and international students come to study at PIHMS in New Zealand, PIHMS has an important responsibility to ensure that those students are well informed, safe and properly cared for.
To support this, the New Zealand government has developed the Education - Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners (For Domestic and International students)
NZQA can also be contacted on 0800 697 296.
Please find further information regarding Disputes Resolution Services on the NZQA website.
Learning Support
The Learning Support Team offer you support and information to assist you during your studies to keep you on track for success.
They offer one on one support with writing, research, note-taking, exam and reading skills or help to set up a study plan. Learning Support can also work directly with you and your lecturers.
Drop into the Learning Support office or book an appointment via email.
Year coordinator
All students are assigned a year coordinator (PIHMS staff) who is your contact for all course related matters.
Year coordinator support includes:
- Following up on your progress to ensure you succeed.
- Your year coordinator will work with learning support and your lecturers to assist you with your studies.
- While each student is responsible for their own learning, the year coordinator will provide you with the guidance and support to assist you to achieve academic progress.
If you have any concerns or issues regarding your course or lecturers, your year coordinator can assist to resolve any issues.
Career Development
PIHMS is committed to setting students up to succeed in their career.
Graduate employment support
Your journey will start throughout your study to prepare you with the skills and ability to gain your first graduate job and set you up for a successful future. This leads to 96 percent of PIHMS graduates receiving employment within 3 months of graduating from PIHMS.
Your program will include compulsory career development, paid work experience and networking opportunities throughout your study, to enable you to pathway into a successful career.
Assistance for graduates
While you will receive the most significant benefit from PIHMS career support and development methods throughout your studies, PIHMS also offer the following support for graduates:
- Networking opportunities
- One-on-one career advice
- Assistance to improve your CV, job search or interview techniques
- Access to PIHMS graduate job opportunities

The student handbook is a detailed guide including policy, advice, requirements and guidelines for students studying at PIHMS.
The Student Code of Conduct outlines definitions rules, responsibilities, purpose, policy procedure, record management and quality standard.
The Student Agreement governs the relationship between each student and PIHMS while that student is enrolled in their programme of study.
Identifies information and processes to assist and benefit the student during their time at PIHMS and journey to the Hotel Industry